Wildflower site

Mold: County Hall Coronation Meadow

Site managed by Flintshire County Council

Mold, Flintshire


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Site description

This wildflower meadow located near the front car park at County Hall has been managed as a hay meadow with late season cutting and collection of the cuttings since 2012. In September 2017, the site was enhanced using local provenance green hay from Kipper’s field, Cymau which is a small meadow high on the south-western slope of Hope Mountain. For more information please click here. During the summer months you should be able to spot some of the following species.


Species present

Yellow rattle
(Rhinanthus minor)
Common spotted-orchid
(Dactylorhiza fuchsii)
Devil’s-bit scabious
(Succisa pratensis)
Common Knapweed
(Centaurea nigra)
Rough Hawkbit
(Leontodon hispidus)
Red clover
(Trifolium pratense)

Management regime

Initially this hay meadow was managed using the traditional method of scything. Several scything workshops were ran by North Wales Wildlife Trust. Today this wildflower site is managed through a reduce mow. This consists of one cut and collect a year between August and September. It is essential that cuttings are collected and removed. This reduces fertility and subsequently; the ‘vigour’ of the grasses year on year, which favours the continued establishment of perennial flowering species.

Date last surveyed


Notes: Continue existing management

If you would like to record the wildlife you see on site, please submit records to COFNOD here.

Mold: County Hall Coronation Meadow wildflower site location

To see the site on google street view click here.

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Tell us what you think

If you would like to let us know your thoughts on the site then please email biodiversity@flintshire.gov.uk.


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